10 Reasons YOU Should Blame It All On ME
1. I have an absolute, deep BUT "calm" amounts of compassion for the predicament of all of the victims who have lost their lives-I have the same amount of compassion for my own situation. I'm from Dallas (Oak Cliff), so I know what it's like to be profiled and pulled over. I've had infrared beams pointed at my head and chest, placed on the ground and searched in front of a nightclub when the point of the cops action was just to humiliate me in front of my people. I was fortunate enough to live through it, but it was hell on my ego. I've learned to appreciate the shame in it all, though, it was a gift from God. Today, the only thing I can "SEE" being humiliating is if I had continued living life ignorant to my own behavior-helpless.
2. If we all could step back for a minute, stop talking, and pay attention, we could "SEE" that if we all start to live more CONSCIOUS in EVERY moment, we could overcome MOST of our own struggles-especially the ONE we are faced with today.
3. This level of understanding can only come from YOU! Not the media, not your opinionated friends and family, not any social group or loud mouth socialites. How can you be ENLIGHTENED by someone who doesn't carry any light? I support any protest or march anyone feels they want to be a part of, your heart may be pure, and intent may be good, but what about your neighbors? Do you really know?
4. It can cross a line of representing something that is merely the inner workings of our temporal minds. Good vs. Evil/Black vs. White/US vs. THEM. The intent is to invoke change, but the execution may be falling so short that our message KEEPS getting lost in translation.
5. We all make discrimination's on some level, in some way, on almost a daily basis. So why are we falling apart now? Black Men and White (Police) Men ....... The confrontation has now occurred DURING a protest, and we have created even more distance. It's "THEM BLACK PEOPLE" VS. "THEM WHITE PEOPLE." Both sides trying to come up with the stronger plan... to OVERCOME the common theme in it all...."THEM."
6. Neither side really wants to be "THEM" When we say "BLACK LIVES MATTER" that means we want to be considered "US." But it's a challenge to get there when every time you cross paths with someone who "SEES" you as a "THREAT," "BLACK," HIM," or one of "THEM," It only elevates the paranoia of if you will even live past that encounter... that moment. And you can't help but only see the other person as a "RACIST THREAT,"WHITE,"HIM" or one of "THEM."
7. Now the confrontation and violence have gotten progressively worse... So what's next?
8. I hope we continue to march, protest in peaceful confrontation-I believe that's important to the social voice that is "US" because "WHEN IT MATTERS" all we GOT is...."US." I also hope each of US can start to take accountability and become more "CONSCIOUS" of the fact that ... We may be protesting against a group of "THEM" but do we really have an understanding that behind the illusion of "everything" that makes us so different from "THEM".... we are all one in the same.
9. Protesting "CONSCIOUSLY" lessens the paranoia on both sides and helps silence the white noise that drowns out the real message we are trying to convey. THE POINT OF IT ALL IS TO VOICE OUR CONCERNS CLEARLY AND HAVE THEM BE HEARD CLEARLY.
10. It could all be so simple... as humans, we would rather make it hard. The one invisible rule that we all should obey is to WORK ON YOURSELF. Find that place in your heart and your mind where it's understood that "WE ALL ARE." Once you get there, it will be easier to "SEE" the other human beings who live in that place. This doesn't mean check out of the conversation or society... but the checking needs to happen internally, not externally. Check your own confusion of separateness.
"A man bound hand and foot in the endless chain of cause and effect cannot free another." -Ram