Just Let Your Soul Glo
Although we are not perfect - we are very much divine beings created from a recipe of spiritual and material sources. Earth's agenda is opposite of the curriculum given to us upon entering this life.
Immaturity of the soul leaves us most vulnerable to surrendering our free will to the controlling aspects of human society. Contrary to popular belief, we are not here for our own self-gratification and entertainment But, It's the socio-economic structure that forces the inexperienced to be stifled by a lack of independent thinking in every aspect of their life.
This man made system-of-order was designed to instill fear in the minds of the weak It was built with an obvious cause and effect to devalue our worth and make us believe we are secondary to those with wealth, status and money. The system is led by the same lost souls that convince us to live self-centered and righteous - a sickness that has kept us from accepting others for who they are. I assure you that age has nothing to do with the maturity level of the soul.
The brain doesn't have an innate moral sense of ethics - knowing this - society projects these false images on our minds in an attempt to drive fear and violence into our hearts
Society uses preachers and bishops to serve as our only means of connecting with God - to give us the impression that we aren't worthy of a direct relationship with the source ourselves. Then we soon discover that the moral compass of religious leaders are no greater than the struggles faced by most members of their congregation.
Every one of our souls is linked to a higher power of existence. We were all cut from the same cloth - so we all share in this divine status. If we would take a closer look inside ourselves, we will see that our spirit guides are always close enough to provide a mirror for us to self-reflect and remember our connection to the creator. But if you are too deluded by the outer world to even see the forest beyond the trees - then you miss the queues that were designed to direct your path at the pre-planned intervals in your life.
It's cool - We all advance in an uneven manner. Your time and progress here on earth will receive it's "lessons learned" review - it is only then that some of you will remember what life is all about.
You see - Earth is one big movie theater streaming the movies of our life on separate screens with each of us as the leading character in our own film and supporting characters to each other's film.
You bear all responsibility in evolving the higher consciousness of yourself first and others next.
Should we get lost and surrender to the laws governed according to man instead of the divine plan to exercise our free will, courage, and moral growth - there will be no such thing as punishment - only an overwhelming amount of forgiveness handed to us from the pure spirits that dwell in Gods kingdom.
You will have enough to deal with once you are free from it all.
Despite being egocentric, the point in this game of life is to recognize your faults for what they are, avoid denial, build up the courage and will to make life adjustments and continuously improve your moral character.
Though all is forgiven, you will have to repeat this class over until you meet your marks and mature your ways.
We are always given new chances to endure in our continued struggle for growth and star in a new film - but the movie plot is usually different, along with the characters we play.
Life provides a means of self-expression, but you will only acquire that which you seek from the music in your heart.
Our hearts yearn to conquer the negative emotions connected to fear - it's the basis for our spiritual growth.
Perseverance is the key.
Knowledge is discovered in wisdom that exists beyond time and space Being kind and self-less is the highest form of expression to the rising of your soul.
Wisdom is the key.
Surrendering to this purpose is the only way to stop the tug-of-war in your mind.